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NHS Entitlement

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You are entitled to obtain a free NHS sight test if you meet any of the following criteria:

  • If you are aged 60 or over

  • Are aged 40 or over and have a parent, sister, brother or are the son or daughter of a person with Glaucoma

  • Are registered severely sight-impaired/blind or sight-impaired/partially sighted

  • Suffering from Diabetes

  • Suffering from Glaucoma

  • Considered to be at risk from Glaucoma

  • In need of complex lenses

You can get a free NHS sight test and an optical voucher for glasses at Pinder and Moore:

  • If you are aged under 16

  • Aged 16, 17 or 18 and in full-time education

  • Receiving income support or your partner is receiving this benefit

  • Receiving income-based, Jobseeker’s Allowance, or your partner is receiving this benefit

  • Receiving Pension Credit/Guarantee Credit or your partner is receiving this benefit

  • Receiving tax credits and meeting the qualifying criteria. Or your partner receives tax credits and meets the qualifying conditions

  • Named on a valid HC2 certificate

  • Named on a valid HC3 certificate

With your NHS entitlement at Pinder and Moore, we offer:


Standard NHS eye examination: Free

At Pinder & Moore our standard NHS eye examination last approximately 45 minutes. In that time your Optometrist will look closely at all aspects of your vision and health.

Advanced NHS eye examination: £25.00

Our advanced NHS eye examination includes a full eye examination and an OCT scan.

Our brand new state of the art OCT machine provides our Optometrists with detailed 3D scans of two vital parts of the eye; the macula and the optic nerve, aiding in the early detection or diagnosis of serious eye conditions, in particular, macula degeneration and glaucoma.

We recommend the advanced NHS eye examination for glaucoma sufferers, diabetics, those with a family history of glaucoma or macula degeneration, and anyone found to have changes in the eye following the standard NHS eye examination.

Book an appointment today...

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