Children's Eye Examinations
Your children are precious, and so is their eyesight.
It is remarkable that less than 10% of children under 5 are taken for an eye test, when 90% are taken to have their teeth checked. So please help us to spread the word, make your friends, family and other parents aware of the importance of regular eye care for children. After all, the NHS thinks it’s important too, that’s why they pay for their sight test.
Eye examinations for children play an important role in ensuring normal vision development and academic achievement. Vision is closely linked to the learning process, so a child with undetected vision problems may have trouble with their schoolwork. Children will often not complain of vision problems simply because they don’t know what “normal” vision is.
Some common indications include: rubbing their eyes; sitting too close to the television; blinking repeatedly or holding objects very close to their face. If you think your child is experiencing any sort of sight problems, bring him or her for a check-up as soon as you can. Even if your child’s vision has been checked and is shown to be normal, they should continue to have regular eye checks about every 2 years because problems can occur at any age.
Research shows that 60% of parents are unaware that their children need to have an eye test at least every two years.
For the prescription of your child’s glasses to work as intended, the design and fit of the frame and the type of lenses selected are crucial. Children are not miniature adults! The bridge of the nose and the areas around the eyes are still forming until early teens, so special frame designs and measurements are always required when fitting children’s glasses. At Pinder & Moore we offer children's frames from top brands such as Ray-Ban and Oakley.
Eye problems are common in children but may not be noticed by parents. Therefore, it is very important that all children have their eyes tested, even if parents are not worried. Children’s eye tests are paid for by the NHS.
Colour Therapy
Visual stress is a term used to describe visual discomfort and perceptual distortions in the printed text, suffered by many people who struggle to read. It is estimated that up to 20% of dyslexic people experience visual stress and also the general population in varying degrees.
Colour has been known to make improvements to reading speed and accuracy. Colour overlays or tinted glasses or contact lenses may help enable longer periods of reading free of discomfort.
Symptoms can include:
Tiring easily when reading
Letters changing shape or size
Halos of colour surrounding letters
Red, sore, watery eyes
Blurring of print
Patterns on print.
There are two forms of colour therapy available coloured overlays and the more comprehensive colorimetry.
1. Coloured overlay assessment is a simple method of assessing the effectivity of colour therapy for a patient by determining if coloured overlays are beneficial.
Private: £45
Overlays: From £15
2. Colorimetry is an accurate method of assessing the effects of hue, saturation and brightness for a patient which results in precisely tinted spectacle lenses.
Private: £65
Cerium tinted lenses and ophthalmic frame : From £180
Colour therapy usually starts with coloured overlays. This is a simple method of assessing the effectivity of colour therapy for a patient by determining if coloured filters are beneficial.
Before exploring colour vision therapy, patients are required to first have recently completed an eye examination to first rule out more common ocular problems.