Dry Eye Clinic
Dry, watery eyes? Help is at hand!
At Pinder & Moore Opticians we offer a dedicated specialist evaluation of your dry / watery eye. Effective treatment plans now offer help to the vast majority of patients with these conditions.
What is Dry Eye?
Dry eye is a condition that causes abnormal changes in the tear film.
These changes may cause your eyes to feel gritty or irritated, and can sometimes make your vision blurry between blinks.
Dry eye is a chronic (long-term) condition. This means that once you have had it, it can keep coming back. It often affects both eyes, but one eye may be worse than the other.
Dry eye does not normally cause permanent problems with your sight. But in severe cases it can become very painful and cause damage to the front of your eye.

What Causes Dry Eye?
The tear film is made of three layers:
The layer closest to your eye is called the mucin layer, and helps to stick the other tear layers to your eye.
The middle layer is the watery layer, which provides moisture and nutrients to the eye.
The outer layer is an oily film which stops the tears from evaporating too quickly. This layer is produced by the meibomian glands in your eyelids.
Dry eye develops when one or more of these layers change in quantity or quality. This causes the tear film to become unstable and more salty. In turn, this causes inflammation of the front surface of your eyes, and the symptoms of dry eye.
Your optometrist will be able to check your eyes using special tests on the tear film and eyelids. This will help them understand the cause of your dry-eye symptoms.
Who Is At Risk From Dry Eye?
Dry eye is more common in women, people from an Asian ethnic background, and in people aged over 50.
It is often just a symptom of getting older. As you get older, you produce less tears and your eyelids are not as effective at spreading them when you blink. Also, the meibomian glands become less effective as you get older, particularly when they become blocked. This is a condition called posterior blepharitis.
Some drugs or underlying health problems may affect your tear film. In women, changes in hormone levels can increase the risk of dry eye. This means symptoms may be worse during the menopause or pregnancy, or while you are using the contraceptive pill. Your doctor or optometrist will be able to give you advice on this.
What Can I Do About Dry Eye?
Many patients have tried, without success, to address their dry / watery eye symptoms.
Following a dry / watery eye consultation, your optometrist will have a better understanding of what is causing your symptoms and will be able to provide the appropriate advice on how to manage these symptoms.
As dry / watery eyes are a chronic condition, you may need ongoing treatment.

A Combination Of The Following Treatment Options May Be Offered:
Education regarding the condition
Modification of local environment
Omega-3 oral supplements
Tear conservation
Punctal plugs (£200 for annual replacement)
Lid hygiene
Mask / gel / sterile lid wipes
Professional lid cleaning treatment (£80 for one treatment or £200 for three treatments)
Therapeutic contact lens
Tears supplements (preservative free)